Category Archives: Health Tips

Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Knee
Strengthening the knee joint and keeping it that way is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. The capacity to walk, run, and leap depends on the health of the knee joint because of the support and stability it provides for the rest of the body. Yet, knee discomfort and pain can develop with age or after […]

Is Bad Breath Bothering You? Here’s What You Can Do.
Bad breath or halitosis is an embarrassing problem and a great selling point for literally every toothpaste and mouthwash on the market. Around 50% of the population globally suffers from this condition. What Causes Bad Breath? Halitosis is mostly due to volatile molecules that originate from the mouth or nearby structures. These molecules can include […]

Anticancer Foods – Your Guide To Choosing The Best Ones
Anticancer foods – does such a thing even exist? A diagnosis of cancer can be devastating, even if you know there is a cure. While treatments are many, prevention remains better than possible cures. There are many ways one can reduce their risk of developing cancer. Avoiding smoking, lowering alcohol intake and regular exercise – […]

Vitamin D and COVID-19 – Can It Lower Your Risk?
The COVID-19 crisis is giving many sleepless nights. Many are looking for ways to build up their immunity in order to lower their chances of getting infected. Reports suggest a relationship between vitamin D and COVID infection – one where vitamin D protects you against it. I thought I would explore the existing literature today. […]

Baldness In Women – Why It Happens And How To Treat It
Baldness in women is a common problem in practice. Losing hair at a young age can not only change one’s appearance; it can also affect the individual psychologically. For a long time, it was just men who were concerned about becoming bald. Over the last few years though, it is being recognised and being treated […]

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
There are many patients with high blood pressure that often ask me how they can lower blood pressure naturally. I thought I would talk about one way it could be done – by choosing the right foods. Let me start by saying that I will not be discussing lowering salt in your diet as a […]

Are Apples Good For You? Here Are 8 (Surprising) Reasons Why!
There is a reason why people say ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. The intake of fruits and vegetables has been shown time and again to help lower the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes. For example, in one study that looked at 84000 women and 42000 men followed up for 14 […]

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss – Fact Or Fad?
Obesity is gripping the world. People are moving from one diet to another with desperate hope that one of them will work. Enter intermittent fasting. Yet another way to lose weight. Some have knocked it before they tried it; some have given it a half-hearted go. But many have found trying intermittent fasting for weight […]