All posts by Dr Vivek Baliga

Boosting Your Memory – Can Flavonoids Prevent Forgetfulness?
A healthy diet should be like a rainbow, consisting of various fruits and vegetables such as red strawberries, green spinach leaves, yellow peppers, which give you all the nutrition for day-to-day activities. But did you ever wonder where these colors come from? The colors of your fruits and vegetables often come from potent phytochemicals (chemicals […]

Understanding Sudden Death In Young Athletes
The death of our beloved movie superstar Puneeth Rajkumar stunned his fans. A person who was so physically fit suddenly passing away was a shock to all, and just as confusing. How does someone who is so physically fit die so suddenly? Surprisingly, this sudden death in young individuals is not something new. Athletes dropping […]

Is Bad Breath Bothering You? Here’s What You Can Do.
Bad breath or halitosis is an embarrassing problem and a great selling point for literally every toothpaste and mouthwash on the market. Around 50% of the population globally suffers from this condition. What Causes Bad Breath? Halitosis is mostly due to volatile molecules that originate from the mouth or nearby structures. These molecules can include […]

Should I Take The COVID Vaccine? Your Questions Answered.
In the last few days, I have received a number of calls about whether or not the COVID-19 vaccine should be taken. I am not surprised by this, as this is naturally a concern to many that have been approached by the governing bodies about taking the vaccine. I thought I would address some of […]

7 Reasons Why You Should Not Ignore Kiwifruit
Kiwifruit is not really that popular in India, though I personally feel it should be. A native of China, the kiwifruit is a dynamic fruit loaded with nutrients. In India, it has gained some exposure as a fruit that can help manage patients with dengue fever. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Today, […]

Curry Leaves – A Powerhouse Of Health Benefits
Our versatile Indian cuisine incorporates curry leaves in most dishes, especially in the South of India. While it adds flavor and an aroma to the food, it in fact has numerous health benefits that are often overlooked. Curry leaves, also called Kadi Patta, have amazing health benefits. Let’s take a look at them here. What […]

Anticancer Foods – Your Guide To Choosing The Best Ones
Anticancer foods – does such a thing even exist? A diagnosis of cancer can be devastating, even if you know there is a cure. While treatments are many, prevention remains better than possible cures. There are many ways one can reduce their risk of developing cancer. Avoiding smoking, lowering alcohol intake and regular exercise – […]

Vitamin D and COVID-19 – Can It Lower Your Risk?
The COVID-19 crisis is giving many sleepless nights. Many are looking for ways to build up their immunity in order to lower their chances of getting infected. Reports suggest a relationship between vitamin D and COVID infection – one where vitamin D protects you against it. I thought I would explore the existing literature today. […]

Low Calcium Levels? Time To Add Ragi To Your Diet
If you have low calcium levels, then you may want to consider a change in your diet. When doing so, remember ragi. Ragi, or finger millet, is a commonly consumed food in south India. A staple food in some parts, ragi is eaten either in a cooked ball form (mudde), as a porridge or even […]

Baldness In Women – Why It Happens And How To Treat It
Baldness in women is a common problem in practice. Losing hair at a young age can not only change one’s appearance; it can also affect the individual psychologically. For a long time, it was just men who were concerned about becoming bald. Over the last few years though, it is being recognised and being treated […]