Tag Archives: health foods

Low Calcium Levels? Time To Add Ragi To Your Diet
If you have low calcium levels, then you may want to consider a change in your diet. When doing so, remember ragi. Ragi, or finger millet, is a commonly consumed food in south India. A staple food in some parts, ragi is eaten either in a cooked ball form (mudde), as a porridge or even […]

Are Apples Good For You? Here Are 8 (Surprising) Reasons Why!
There is a reason why people say ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. The intake of fruits and vegetables has been shown time and again to help lower the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes. For example, in one study that looked at 84000 women and 42000 men followed up for 14 […]

Health Benefits Of Almonds – Why You Should Eat Them Every Day
Almonds are one of my favorite foods to snack on. Their crunch, taste and texture is something I enjoy tremendously. Time and again, patients ask me whether a handful of almonds are good for health. Some prefer to have a mix of dry fruits, but I often ask them to shift over to almonds. Today, […]

Health Benefits Of Oats – Scientific Truth Revealed Here!
I conducted a Google search on the ‘health benefits of oats’ and had a whopping 66 million results. So I decided to look through all the pages and have written this article based on what I found. It has taken over a year. Just kidding, well about the ‘reading 66 million articles’ thing anyway. Oats […]